The program for people with special needs aims at promoting the social integration of persons with disability –mainly mental disabilities- in the society, providing spaces tailored to their needs in a perspective of inclusion.

APJ23 program for people with special needs is made of three main projects and assists about 100 people every year.

  1. HOLY FAMILY SPECIAL SCHOOL: located in Ndola city centre, the school offers special education to about 30 pupils from grade one to grade five. Thanks to a partnership with the GoZ, the school is currently run by staff seconded by the Ministry of Education. Association Pope John 23 provides the infrastructure, the meal and the transportation of the pupils to and from school.
  2. UKUBALULA TRAINING CENTRE: located in Misundu road, within Mary Christine farm, it is a skill training centre offering a three years course in agriculture to about 30 students and a two year course in Home Economics to 20 students. At the completion of the course, the students obtain a certificate that is recognized by TEVETA.
  3. MARY CHRISTINE FARM: Located in Misundu road, it is a Day Care Centre offering occupational therapy to about 40 adults, who work in the field 40 hours / 5 days a week under the supervision of a Project Coordinator. Work here is meant to provide mainly a healthy space for socialization and personal development rather than a salary, though the project beneficiaries receive a small allowance and are provided transport and lunch.